XXI Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS
Growing in a digital and sustainable society

Conference Tracks

ITAIS 2024 welcomes your submissions of completed research and research in progress to the following conference tracks

T01 – Organizational Change: Enabling Technologies & Business Process Design
Co-Chairs:  F. Bolici (U. Cassino and Southern Lazio), I. Fagnot (KEDGE Business School, FR), M. Cipriano (Cattolica University – PC)

T02 – Human Resource Management in the age of hybrid work: leveraging on the potential of intelligent technologies
Co-Chairs: R. Bissola (U. Cattolica), T. Bondarouk (U. of Twente) A. Georgiadou (U. Nottingham), T. Torre (U. Genoa)

T03 – Human-Centric digital technology: Socio-Technical lenses for a new era of Artificial Intelligence
Co-Chairs: A. Ravarini (LIUC), E.G. Margherita (U. of Tuscia), A.S. Islind (Reykjavik U.)

T04 – Digital Accounting information systems to drive sustainability in organizations
Co-Chairs: D. Lavorato (Parthenope U. of Naples), P.  Piedepalumbo (Sapienza U.), E. Bonson (U. Huelva), M.  Bednarova (U. Pablo de Olavide)

T05 – Evolving technologies and digital collaboration after pandemic times
Co-Chairs:  C. Metallo (Parthenope U. of Naples), L. Mola (Skema Business School), R. Agrifoglio (Parthenope U. of Naples), M. Guillamon (U. Murcia)

T06 – Digital transformation and sustainability: embracing a “lights and shadows” perspective
Co-Chairs: A. De Nicola (ENEA), L. Bullini Orlandi (U. of Bologna), P. Pierce (U. Lund)

T07 – Data Management and Data Analytics for Sustainable Business
Co-Chairs: A. Rapposelli (U. Chieti-Pescara), M. Agovino (Parthenope U. of Naples), S. Aier (St. Gallen U.)

T08 – Responsible technologies for digital and sustainable organizations and society
Co-chairs: A. Tursunbayeva (Parthenope U. of Naples), L. Moschera (Parthenope U. of Naples), V. Fernandez Alarcon (U. Politècnica de Catalunya), Ž. Stankevičiūtė (Kaunas U. of Technology)

T09 – Organizational Interventions in Social Informatics, and the Design, Development, and Adoption, of Inter-Organizational Systems
[–> the OISI Workshop]

Co-chairs: G. Jacucci (U. of Trento), P. Bednar (U.  Portsmouth, UK), V. D’Andrea (U. of Trento), M. Martin (U. of Northumbria, UK)

T10 – Emerging Technologies and Organizational Culture
Co-chairs: S. Di Lauro (U. Mercatorum), G. Antonelli (U. of Chieti-Pescara), R. Bunduchi (U. Edinburgh, UK), P. Weritz (U. of Twente, NL)

T11 – Re-thinking work in the age of AI: new trends for organizations, individuals, and society
Co-chairs: E. Veglianti (KEDGE Business School, FR), M. Romanelli (Parthenope U. of Naples), A. Zoppelletto (U. of Verona), O. Steen (Lund U., SE)

T12 – Designing an agile public sector by digital transformation sustainable organizational models, and HRM practices
Co-chairs: M. Pezzillo Iacono (U. of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”), G. Mangia (U. of Naples “Federico II”), M. Barreca (U. Svizzera italiana, CH)

T13 – Digital healthcare: rethinking people’s role, processes and organizations
Co-chairs: A. Zanutto (U. of Macerata), A.M.L. Husebø (U. of Stavanger, NO), D. Ponte (U. of Trento)

Special Conference Tracks

T14 – Information Economics and Decision Analysis (IEDA)
Co-chairs: E. Bucciarelli (U. of Chieti-Pescara), S.H. Chen (National Chengchi U.), J.M. Sanchez-Cartas (Complutense University of Madrid, ES)

T15 – Using Technology in Disaster Management and Communication [CANCELLED!]
Co-chairs: D. Bonaretti (Nova Southeastern U., US), M. Bartosiak (U. of Pavia), D. Fischer-Pressler (Frankfurt U. of Applied Science, DE)