Submission guidelines
Submissions will be evaluated through a double-blind peer-review process. Track chairs will select reviewers and ensure the anonymity of the review process.
Authors are encouraged to seek guidance from Track Chairs prior to submitting the paper. Although it is not mandatory, the authors can voluntarily submit an abstract (no more than 2000 words, providing information about the research aim, the theoretical framework and/or theories applied, the research methods, and the main/expected findings with potential implications, including a few references – for this stage, no specific template is required) to receive feedbacks by the Track Chairs one month before the full paper submission.
The page limit for a full paper (where the abstract, in this case, needs to include no more than 250 words) is equal to 14 pages (excluding references) and must be anonymized (no author details): Formatting rules (LNCS Springer format) are available at this link
Click here to submit your abstract/full paper
Accepted papers will need to show both relevance and methodological rigour. The best contributions will be published in a Springer volume “Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organization” series, indexed on Scopus. We are also arranging agreements for fast access to journals (some information is already available in the description of specific tracks). Other papers will be published in the conference proceedings (online) with ISBN on AISel. At least one author for each accepted paper should attend the conference, presenting her/his contribution.
Following are the current special issues or journals linked with the conference or with specific tracks:
- Springer Nature – Business and Economics: Special Collection on “Digital Ecosystem and Business Transformation: Individual, Organizational and Societal Challenges”