Submissions will be evaluated through a standard blind review process. Track chairs will select reviewers and ensure anonymity of the review process.
Authors are highly encouraged to seek guidance from Track Chairs prior submitting the paper. We highly encourage authors to formalize this process by sending an abstract to the Track Chairs to receive feedback and guidance.
Formal submission must specify the track that they are intended for. The page limit for contributions submitted in English is equal to 12 pages (maximum). Formatting rules (LNCS Springer format) are available at this link
Click here to submit your abstract/full paper
Accepted papers will need to show both relevance and methodological rigor. The best English contributions will be published in a Springer volume submitted by the publisher to Scopus for indexing. Other papers will be published in the conference proceedings (online) with ISBN. At least one author for each accepted paper must attend the conference and present the work.